mercoledì, settembre 24, 2008


'Cursus roltrap lopen voor treinreizigers'
Gepubliceerd: 24 september 2008 10:40 | Gewijzigd: 24 september 2008 11:41

Utrecht, 24 september. Roltrapbeheerder Prorail gaat het gedrang bij roltrappen proberen aan te pakken. In Amersfoort komt een proef met voetstapjes op de roltrap. Die moeten mensen duidelijk maken dat zij rechts kunnen stilstaan, zodat de gehaaste medereiziger links kan passeren.

Morgenochtend om 08.00 uur wordt de proef geïntroduceerd met een 'basiscursus roltrap nemen' door actrice Irene van der Aart.

,,In veel landen, zoals Engeland, is het heel gebruikelijk dat mensen op de roltrap rechts staan en links kunnen passeren'', aldus een woordvoerster van ProRail. Veel reizigers ergeren zich aan de geblokkeerde roltrappen. Er is al eerder geprobeerd de treinreiziger in Nederland wat ,,Engelse discipline'' bij te brengen. Maar dat heeft kennelijk geen blijvend resultaat gehad.

:'D Oh joy, oh days of they come!

*klein stemmetje* En dan nog de fietspaden, snelwegen, trottoirs..

martedì, settembre 23, 2008

Just an update

The -em- problem with throwing cocktail parties is that, once you're looking for cocktails to select and print (for a shaking, stirring and straining guide), one gets such a terrible urge for imbibing each of these wonderful cocktails yourself - you know, just to test them, to make sure the guests'll be allright. :P

I am -so very ironical*- enjoying a S.K. myself right now (with SK in the living room :D). Can't really say the name, doesn't matter. I adjusted it anyway, so it's not the same. At the moment it's a cocktail containing vodka (a dash), amaretto and Southern Comfort, finished up with some soda water (compensating for the lack of ice cubes). Just the cocktail for the late evening (hehe). (*Especially today..)

So, lately I haven't been posting all that much - ah yes, nothing. :P What can I say? Maybe my life has become less ..woe-begone :P Or maybe not, but at least I experience it differently. Ahh, what a good month of holiday can do for you :P

What else is there to say?
..I am looking forward to the cocktail party, and also very much enjoyed MJ's birthday, Keith and Ingrid's anniversary, and ahh, a small whinement: *god* do those girls saying "dooeeeee-hooooei" with that particular intonation annoy me! But apart from that, all is very much the same :D :P

Okay, don't have very much else to say (strange eh?), so off I go, looking for 'Harvey Wallbanger's, 'Blwjb's (don't want spam, do we? :P)(Oh that reminds me, I must post my collection of 'Most Funny Spam E-mails Received'), 'Scarlett O'Hara's and the other lot.
See ya all!

..And sorry for not posting. :/ It's not really working out, lately, this Spuisluis and me. Dunno.