martedì, novembre 06, 2007


Ik hou echt van vliegen.
Ik ben t hele weekend in Engeland geweest, dus ik heb notes in t Engels gemaakt. Ik heb besloten ze maar niet te vertalen.

I had to fly from Birmingham to Madrid, and passed through Dublin for lunch/pelgrimage (Guinness!!!)..

The fun part I guess started when we had to get on the plane to Dublin. We had to walk to the airplane (without any clear indications - but then again the plane was sort of hard to miss), and get up a shaky stair to enter the plane. There was a sign next to the door warning us (be careful operating the door), because 'falling from stair can cause serious injure'.

But actually I like Ryanair planes. I like the way the tips of the wing flip/curl up the way wings of happy penguins would. (I don't think other planes have the same). Oh and look at this one too. Hehe. (And notice the little curly-wurly pattern on the ..propeller? All the planes have that, 's funny :P).

I also like the X-ray security check for bags. Seeing the contours of all the stuff you've cramped in the various pockets of your (ever too small) bag is just good fun. I must say my bag had lots of blue and red warning spots (not good!) but they've let me through. (With my trousers practically dropping without a belt, I had a look around me, and you see everyone is putting clothes on and off, holding up trousers and walking on socks: the security check is one big clothing party!).

What I don't like is that the security check causes major hold-ups. I had to cheat and get in front, and then talk to an airport employee in order not to miss my plane.. (Ok ok, and smile cutily and flutter(?) with my eye lashes, wave some blonde haires, but hey, it worked. :P) Anyway. Back to the plane.

Noone was sitting in the front to my absolute amazement, because it's the only place in the plane where you can actually sit with your knees down instead of in your neck..! And after having spend one hour folded and cramped up as an used newspaper in a (bmi)baby plane, Iii certainly knew what to do. (Those planes are even worse! They have really, really little space for your legs. Be ye warned.).

The flying all went quite well, except for a little bump when we landed, which made some people squeek. :P

Dublin Airport
I went straight through to the gate where I had to be (D71), so I wouldn't have the same problems with the security check and all that. However, I did remember there was a pub at the airport (an Irish pub, quite decent) from the last time I was there, but I couldn't find it anymore, so I went over to a young girl (employee) behind a desk.

V: "Is there any place here where I could have a drink?"
Girl: "..."
V: "And where I can eat something?"
Girl: "You could eat there.." (Pointing at the coffee corner behind me)
V: "Ehm, but to have a drink as well?" (Thinking about something else..begins with a G and ending with Uinness).
Girl (hesitating): "You mean, an alcoholic drink?"
Ok ok! Make me say it out loud! YES, I'd like a pint o' the back stuff!
(For C****t's sake, I thought Irish people would be more comprehensive about this kind of things!)
V: "YES!"
Girl: "Then you should go to pier A."
Pf, that was difficult, wasn't it? Tsss.

Anyway, it turned out that pier A was a long walk, and I didn't have that much time, so I was condemned to go to the coffee corner. It wasn't alll that bad after all: I enjoyed watching an Irish man pouring his beer in a coffee cup and drinking it. Budweiser, mind you. This fancy-pancy Soho Coffeeco hadn't a drop of Ireland's pride.

Then the food: the only thing not containing mayonnaise, was dry bread, and some butter you buy seperately. (Tss.) But I mustn't complain too much, for 'fresh' bread (it was warm) and good butter (Irish!) are the treats I could eat every day.

And it was entertaining sitting next to two Paddies and listen to the melodious ramble (containing 'fecking' every two words, and ye occasional 'aye' and 'shite'). Irish, you gotta love it.

Then I was looking a bit through a magazine lying there, 'Connections - Dublin airport's passenger magazine'. And I quote: "Pier D (where I was) will be the first major project completed as part of the 2 billion euro development programma at Dublin Airport.." Two feckin ('xcuse me) billion euros, and not one vending point for Guinness?! I thought more of Ireland. But the worst thing was, that they don't warn you beforehand, you find out when you allll the way down pier D. There should be a sign in front: 'Warning: No pubs/pints past this point'. Tsss.

But you know what is _really, really, really_ the worst part of this all?
They changed the gate.
I had to go allll the way to A77 (mind you, 72 was the last one for D, 80 for A, and there's only A to D, so it really was on the other side of the airport), and when I was half-running, half-walking to the new gate, .......I past a pub.

Not fair!
Not not not fair!
Fare thee well, my good lunch, my pint, my everything!
I waved as I ran by, and wiped the tears off, and jumped on the plane to Spain, Madrid.

A very nice Spanish woman brightened my mood, and by the time I was in Madrid, I felt reborn. ^_^ We landed, and it said 'en terra'. Very much so. Let's get back to earth. Let's be reborn. Amen to that.

All's well that ends well. :)

And now I am off to enjoy Madrid, see you around!
(Btw, Birmingham/Bedworth was nice, a relaxed family weekend/party).

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