mercoledì, settembre 19, 2007

Linguistic Poetry

An entry which I already wanted to make for some time: a 'collage' of those wonderful things our professors say, all pumped (pimped?) into one amazing poem. Here we go. (Who recognizes which words of whom? Or should I say, who which words of whom recognizes? :P).

And (then) you find out that..
My toothbrush is pregnant!
Above all though, I love my cat, but do I too
Live (of) my cat?
Not here of course, because honde are honde. (= dogs)
John danced a dog to Mary.
The brick loves Mary, and John does too.
You are nice and you are too!
However, the old man danced Mary a book.
The Roman's destruction of goal, didn't help anyone.

The funda-mental question is,
What will rain? It will rain.
That is not un oeuf,
But is it enough?
Oh that is not a consonant,
it's a motor cycle.
Don't get scared, it's only phonology.
Then Serenity opens the lock,
But the key opened the door.

And what about that banana metaphore?
Save ink!

(Phonology has become environmentally friendly)(Or is it a principle of economy?)

Lucie, give me back my clock!

7 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Haha, I almost feel sorry 4 u ;-)

Blaidd Drwg ha detto...

Ik vraag me toch af wat Eric wel niet met zijn tandenborstel doet. Beter niet bij stil staan... :P

Maar heb je die uitspraken allemaal onthouden, of zet je die ook in je aantekeningen?

Valerie ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Valerie ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Valerie ha detto...

Oh, ik wou liever niet over (de) personen zelf hier praten, dankjewel ;), maar inderdaad, het is een interessante metafoor. Jammer genoeg ben ik de bananenmetafoor vergeten! Want ik schrijf dus alles wel op. :p In mijn ervaring vergeet je de leukste dingen ook héél snel (net zoals nét dat ene leuke idee voor een log.. :P). Dus.. Hopelijk haalt dat de magie niet weg ;)

En idd, heb medelijden met ons! We have to put up with this! :P

Blaidd Drwg ha detto...

Oh sorry, dat wist ik niet. Anders moet je de comment maar weghalen ofzo ;)
Die bananenmetafoor zegt me zo gauw niets meer... misschien ook eens aantekeingen proberen

Valerie ha detto...

Oh, het is ook geen harde regel hoor. Meer gewoon.. voor de zekerheid. :P